What if there was a system that could teach ​you how to meal prep in 90 minutes or less per ​week and leave you feeling energetic and ​balanced behind the chair?

Early registration is now open for my

“30 Day Healthy Hairstylist Nutrition Challenge”!

Join here!

This will give you the exact roadmap you need to nourish your body, start ​feeling amazing and add years of longevity to your career!

Do you reach for caffeine multiple times a day?

Does your brain feel foggy at work?

Do you find it difficult to eat healthy- or eat at all- at the salon?

Do you hide in the color room, bingeing unhealthy snacks between clients? (I used to be ​guilty of this!)

Do you wait until the end of the day to eat, crashing and then binge eating after work?

Do you suffer from anxiety, making you feel even more exhausted at the end of the day?

Do you find meal prep to be time consuming and overwhelming?

Do you have achy joints and/or find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off?

I can relate, because I used to do all of these things. I prioritized my clients over ​my own health. I booked myself back to back, never took lunch breaks and had ​terrible brain fog every afternoon, reaching for more caffeine. As a result, I ​suffered from chronic anxiety which eventually caused chronic reflux, stomach ​ulcers, depression, illness and more...

Being a hairstylist is a beautiful thing. We get to do what we love and make people ​feel amazing. In order to do this long-term (more than 5-10 years),

it’s imperative that we take care of our bodies.

A full 8-9 hour day as a hairstylist is equivalent to running a 10k, or doing a 90 ​minute crossfit or bootcamp class. So why is it that most of us don’t prioritize ​taking care of ourselves??

My mission is to flip the script and normalize hairstylists taking breaks, ​nourishing their bodies, and having longer careers doing what they love- making ​the world beautiful, one guest at a time.

French Toast

In this challenge, you’ll receive:

  • A simple, proven system of meal planning ​for your busy lifestyle
Triple Berry Chia Seed Pudding
  • Access to weekly coaching calls with me, a ​Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, ​to motivate, inspire and keep you on track

(because let’s be real- it’s WAYYY harder doing it on your ​own!)

  • Community support and accountability
  • Valuable educational resources on gut health, hormonal health and more. This challenge ​is for you if you struggle with maintaining your weight, suffer from chronic stress or ​anxiety, or want a stronger immune system to protect yourself from the ick that our ​clients expose us to!
  • No calorie counting. Just nourishing, delicious and EASY meals and snacks!

If you are ready to:

  • learn an easy, proven meal prep system that only requires 90 mins a week of ​your time

  • start prioritizing and nourishing your body and mind

  • stop counting calories

  • lose weight and keep it off by eating delicious and nourishing foods

  • get control of your mental health

  • strengthen your immune system

  • Have the guidance of a certified Nutrition Health Coach and a supportive ​community to hold you accountable

  • Have energy left over at the end of the day/week for loved ones and a social life

This is for the busy stylist who has little to no time for self-care!

It all kicks off October 14th!

The first 20 Stylists to join will receive $50 off!!!

energy granola bites



Kale and Quinoa Salad

See you there, babe!!!

April Lozada


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